So for the last few months I have been working on this trick. Every workout, every run, every meal I have been looking at the finish line. The clock on the finish line says 5:03 and the number on the scale says 156. I am not sure why this is the number. These numbers came to me during a particularly brutal workout and I just knew that I could not do this. Somehow, this is my goal for October.
So where have I been for the last few months? I have not been really losing weight, that's for sure. Trying some new diets here and there, working on running faster and some training. Nothing concrete. Where did my resolve go to be relentless? Well it went out the window when I found out I had a pinched meniscus and needed PT for the next six weeks and no running or training for three. I have gotten through that but that was not a good month for me. Eating, drinking and a slight depression followed. Probably explains why I haven't been at the computer for some time. I have been injured before but this was a little different. Just when you wrap your brain around the amount of work you have to do and then you set a really achievable goal and you get excited, some sort of proverbial rug gets pulled out from under you.
Are you violins playing? Are they tiny?
O.K. so I am pulling myself up by the bootstraps. Here's the drill. I gained a little bit of weight at the beginning of May during the hiatus - keep in mind I couldn't do cardio at all. Very Very difficult. So that put me up to 184.5. Almost an all time high since becoming a marathoner. So I started official Chicago training the last weekend of May. I am doing the intermediate training program with a few changes here and there and I am running much slower than my race pace. I have been able, so far to get in all of my runs. I have hired a personal trainer who has a degree in nutrition and has run two marathons and has signed up for his third. He gave me a diet plan to follow which I have been mostly. I have had to tweak it a little since my runs are getting up in there and I am noticing a fuel deficit on the day of the long run. He is also giving me a butt kicking twice a week. So, now I am at 178.00. I tend to go down and up two pounds at a time. I will gain and lose two pounds from week to week but then all of a sudden these two pounds will be gone.
I am also drinking alot less - maybe once or twice a week. The last thing that is working for me is the amount of sleep I am getting. At least 8 hours every night. Totally awesome. Love, love, love the sleep.
I am continuing with Physical Therapy but it seems as if they are getting ready to graduate me and I will probably only need to go back for a tuneup here and there.
So that is where I am. Back to blog. Thanks for hanging in there and waiting for me. I am very very happy to be back!
Happy Running,