So the issue which was my bone was of a very personal nature with a friend so I won't go into it but what I will go into was what I was ignoring. I was ignoring my marathon training (running a marathon in six weeks), and I was also ignoring the fact that I had a cracked tooth and didn't want to go to the dentist. Turns out that I needed a root canal so that coupled with my extreme dental phobia, caused me to top my anxiety with some extreme freaking out. I also had committed with some friends to Weight Watchers and instead of getting excited about that - I was bumming out that my relationship with food was about to turn into a tomato soup and jello problem because my tooth was sore. I also was having a very stressful problem at work and it was literally bringing me to my knees with worry and anger. So there you have it. Oh and did I mention that I quit drinking for awhile? I really needed to detox my liver from our Key West trip so I thought it would be helpful if I stopped drinking between now and my marathon.
So after the heart to heart, I decided that I needed to pull myself together a little bit. So I went to the dentist and it only mildly sucked - not as bad as I thought but I still haven't had the full procedure - just a mild draining and shaving of the nerve endings (barf) and I should have the rest of it done this week. But at least I am prepared for the pain and have the requisite number of Advil, ice packs backed up with some narcotics to get me through. I went to Weight Watchers with my friends and although my tooth situation has delayed my progress, I am not giving up and I found the meeting surprisingly awesome and my friends did too and they seem motivated. I also went for a run. Finally. Honey Bunny's advice to me as a husband and a marathoner and also a coach was that I needed to build some running consistency back into my schedule and I needed to do it immediately. So I did. I have run two days this week, not long but hard and I did it. I struggled mildly to get out the door this morning but I managed to make it happen. And the sun was out today - first time in days. So I stretched my legs, got some vitamin D, released some Dopamine and overall, embraced the rest of my day.

Is the message here that I should not have such high maintenance friends? Is the message that I should not let things bother me so much? Is the message I need medication? I hope not the latter because I have been on medication for such things before and I must say - didn't really like the side effects. Which is how I started running. When I first started running, I was dealing with fertility issues. When I started running marathons, not only did I realize that I was never going to have another baby - even by extreme measures, but that I was a 39 year old in full on menopause, I made the decision to get through it by running. Not by medication. I stand by my decision to this day. My first marathon saved my life. It saved me from a life of depression and it probably saved my marriage. I worked out so many things on those runs. It started as a way for me to run away from my pain but what happened was that I ran through my pain. I came out on the other side victorious. Not that some days aren't hard and that I still have my moments of missing my never to be second child and that I still feel too young to not be menstruating but I am good. Even with the hot flashes.