So with that, I return from paradise totally stoked and tan and then, what do I do? Think about how I want to do things differently. My resolutions begin mid January - how odd is that? When everyone else is either furiously working on their resolutions (i.e. can't get a parking spot at the gym) or they have already given up and want you to join them on their descent back into whatever it is, I am just giving thought to what it is I want to do. Well I can tell you about my resolution. Because Ragnar was a bubble. We were in a bubble for 32 hours in two vans. Then I was in an awesome bubble in Key West where we ate and snorkeled and swam and drank and ate and drank some more. Then I came home. And Honey Bunny went back to work (sad for him) and little honey bunny went to school (also sad for him) and the house was quiet and empty (yeah for me). So I slept and did laundry and cleaned out my smelly fridge and realized that I had a marathon to train for (March) and a business to run and my life to get back in order.
I had to run a crazy leg in downtown Miami. I mean scary crazy. It was 9:30 at night and I had 9 miles to go. I passed a giant (dead thank God) rat, a boy on a bike that tried to run me over, two pit bulls, a couple of chickens, and then I had to go on a deliverance type road where the vans could not follow me. This road had craters filled with some odd fluid that I don't think was water because it had not rained in Miami in a few weeks, the canal was on my right and I don't know what the hell was on my left. At one point a guy ran by me and asked me did I see the giant bloody mattress back there. So I turned up my music (because I don't like to hear it coming) and was relieved that I had taken enough Imodium to prevent me from shitting myself to death and kept running. True honey badger moment. I went into that house of bees. Then when I got off of that road I came out at a maximum security prison. O.K. So I kept going again. Then finally in the midst of fog descending, I saw my team at the exchange. That run addressed almost every phobia I have ever had about running. And I did it.

For years, I have allowed other people to make me second guess myself. To feel bad or insecure or embarrassed, or odd for doing things that I am doing. I know that I have written about this before. But I realize now more than ever that it is almost always about them. It is not about you and if you let other people make you feel bad about things that are important to you then it is really just a problem that they have with themselves. Will they judge me? Will they like me? Will they still be my friend? Who the hell gives a shit? Honey Badger don't!!!!
So if you are out there and you have something that sounds fun or hard or odd or even crazy, you should call me. If you need a friend or a running coach or some help with your crazy goals, you should call me or at the very least, embrace your own inner honey badger. Don't get me wrong now, I actually cried on that deliverance road. For like a nano second, I couldn't believe that I had gotten my ass into this situation. I was tired, scared, hungry and unsure of whether or not I would ever see my family again. But I did. Some things I try don't turn out so well. Some people don't like me. Some people don't agree with my politics, my running philosophy, my passion for really good margaritas, my ever evolving attempt and becoming a full on vegan and telling everyone I know about animal suffering. Don't care this year. In 2012, I figure that there will be plenty of houses of bees. So I'm going in.
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