Race Report Monday will actually have to be Race Report Tuesday because little honey bunny did not have school yesterday - teacher work day - so I was not able to string three sentences together. So - how did it go you ask? It went GREAT I say to you!!!! I ran the Frostbite 15K on Sunday and I ran every step of the way. My time was not as good as the first time I ran it (I credit Honey Bunny for pacing me that day and I was also 15 pounds lighter!) but I did run the whole thing, I did finish, even though I was in the way back of the pack and I was so happy and proud of myself. I had three clients and friends running the race for the first time and they all crossed the finish line. I was so happy and proud and psyched for everyone's accomplishment that it just was icing on the racing cake. I really did need this to happen for me - I needed the victory of a good run and race to justify all of my hard work and to start to undo last Fall. My training season and marathon of last year was so dismal and emotionally draining that to have a little bit of confidence going into February is really exhilarating. Did I mention I am so happy!!!!???
This weekend I went off the diet slightly. Saturday was o.k. for the most part but I did have a planned pre-race meal of lentil and beef soup with whole wheat bread. I drank 2 liters of water and woke up on Sunday to have my new pre race and long training run meal of oatmeal, blueberries and flax seed. After my run, all bets were then off on the diet front. I had biscuits and gravy and hash browns and then moved on to steak and fries with a martini for dinner. Yeah I had indigestion. My stomach hurt and I had to sit up for a few hours before I could go to bed but I didn't care - I was celebrating and was having a great time - Honey Bunny had gotten a babysitter and we were having a really nice night together. I was feeling positive and not at all anxious. The plan was to continue on with the detox diet on Monday morning but having little honey bunny out of school threw a slight monkey wrench into the plan and I didn't juice in the morning and I didn't start out with a liter of water. But I did eat a salad for lunch and some veggies and fish for dinner so all was not totally lost. This morning I got up and started again but it doesn't feel like from scratch. I was looking forward to the juicing this morning and getting a liter of water out of the way. I had a killer workout at the gym for about 2 hours and came home and had a salad that I had made before I left.
I seem to have an abundance of energy lately and my mood is very elevated. Unlike last week, when I was feeling really sluggish and blah and tired, now I have tons of energy and even some drive to get things done. My workouts have been outstanding which really surprises me because everything I have ever been told is to get up and have a huge breakfast and get your metabolism going. This diet is the opposite - or at least it feels very different. As for losing weight - only about two pounds came off last week. So this week I am incorporating a few things differently. One is I am not buying any of the snacky salty crappy things that I get for little honey bunny's lunch. Yesterday I had a talk with him and asked him to buy those things in the cafeteria and he agreed. I told him the truth and said I didn't want them in the house because I eat them all the time and I wanted to make better choices. He said - no problem Mom!!! So cute. The other thing I am doing is I have put the body bugg back on and shooting for a daily goal of burning 2500 calories. I enjoy the working out and didn't do much of it last week so putting these two things together hopefully will yield some results. If not, then next week, I will move into the weighing and counting part of the diet which I would like to avoid but I want to continue to progress and make better decisions about my health. I was reading this article in Fitness Magazine and it was an article about why your diet's aren't working. One of the reason's was because you don't stick with it long enough. Most people are not patient (me) and when big results don't happen, they give up (me). You have to realize that it is not about the end result. Do not focus on what you will weigh and what your life will be like but instead focus on the process. Now, this makes sense to me because my biggest realization about running a marathon was that ultimately, it is not about the race itself, but it is all about the training and the journey you have taken to get there. It is about the miles and miles you have piled on - one after another - that gets you to your goal. So here I am, at mile two in my nutrition/diet/detox/overhaul/makeover and I am doing pretty good!!!! Oh yeah - and in case I forgot to mention it - that makes me happy!!!!!!!
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